Valentine’s Day. Losses. Much Remains.

Chocolates. Sentimental cards. Red roses. Romantic dinners. Valentine’s Day—a beautiful time for lovers.
But for those whose love has been lost either through death, divorce, or rejection, Valentine’s Day may hold pain. Or perhaps it’s not the absence of a romantic relationship causing the pain, but other devastating or relentless losses that grieve the heart.
If we live long enough, we encounter deep loss. It’s part of living in fragile bodies in a broken world.
But for the child of God, even in the darkest seasons of loss—in fact, even if all on earth is lost—much remains.
This is what will always be.
God will never change. His goodness, love, mercy, faithfulness, longsuffering, gentleness, majesty, holiness, strength, glory, power, grace, and so much more will not change with the passing of time or with circumstances.
Who we are in Christ will never change. We are forgiven, treasured, accepted, loved, worthy, victorious, new creations, blessed, and so much more. All because of what Christ has done, not because of what we have done.
One loss that has impacted us all is Covid-19. From isolation to shortages to loss of health and life, this pandemic has levied a heavy toll. One of the greatest losses for me in this time has been very limited contact with family and grandchildren who live hundreds of miles away.
Even as I grieve this irrevocable loss and other significant losses, the phrase, “Much Remains” encourages my heart and puts everything in perspective. “Much Remains” redirects my thoughts from losses and my emotions from sadness to thoughts and emotions of gratitude.
On this Valentine's Day, if life doesn’t look the way you thought it would or should, open your personal love message from God in Jeremiah 31:3. And let the words, “Much Remains,” transform your thinking and comfort your heart.
I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. Jeremiah 31:3 ESV