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Unwanted & Unplanned

John’s life had taken a sudden turn—apparently for the worse. Once independent and well-known, he enjoyed spending time outdoors. He was a man of convictions. Fearlessly, he stood up for what was right—even when it was dangerous.

Because of his courage, he was imprisoned and set aside. No fresh air and no fresh options.

He had known life would change. At his peak of popularity, he had proclaimed, “I must decrease.”* But prison? Couldn’t he have simply changed jobs?

As anyone would have, John must have struggled with yielding his will. With accepting the Unwanted and Unplanned. An Unwanted and Unplanned that held him fast, stripped him of almost everything he was and had, and threatened his very life.

While John, better known as John the Baptist, kept the faith to the end, he did have questions. Behind his question to Jesus, “Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?” (Matthew 11:3 ESV), were perhaps deeper questions: “Is my public ministry over?” “Am I in my last days?”

John’s life encourages me, especially his days in prison. For I, too, am in the Unwanted and Unplanned. I have questions. I want to keep the faith. To live my days, although imprisoned by physical and emotional suffering, so others will be more established in their faith and so God will be glorified.

Clearly, the Unwanted and Unplanned has much value.

*”He [Jesus] must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30 ESV


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