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Celebrate February

It’s February! Valentine’s Day. Presidents Day. Black History Month.

But why stop there?

Yesterday, February 1, was National Dark Chocolate Day. (Don’t worry if you missed it—just celebrate a day late!) Tomorrow, February 3, is National Carrot Cake Day. Two days later is World Nutella Day. National Chocolate Mint Day falls on February 19, and February 21 is National Sticky Bun Day.

Accountability is not far behind though with Let’s All Eat Right Day on February 25!

Those are a few of the days of celebration in the month of February. But when I think of February, I think of Valentine’s Day and love.

One way God says, “I love you,” is, “I will never leave you,” and “I am continually with you.”

We’ve heard it so often. Sometimes we forget how precious that promise is. Then circumstances remind us how desperately we need the Lord’s presence.

Reign of Peace

Seated on the floor, my arms hugged my knees. The room was stifling and restrictive—just closet-sized really. I wanted out.

We had learned of our son’s death a few days earlier and a recurring sense of confinement distressed me. Yes, I wanted out.

But there was no way out.

Panic. Claustrophobia. Alarm. After a few moments, as suddenly as the feeling had come, it left. Only to return later.

Finally, I inserted my own mental image into the one thrust upon me. Instead of just me huddled like an over-sized Alice in Alice in Wonderland, I pictured Jesus. Sitting. Facing me.

When I imagined His calming presence, the confining walls and ceiling faded. Freedom and peace reigned.

I wanted peace without pain, but it is through pain that I crave Your presence and therein lies peace.

May your peace, joy, contentment, and fulfillment be determined, not by the presence or absence of difficulties, but by the knowledge that the Lord is always with you.

I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. Psalm 73:23 ESV

Whatever else you choose to celebrate this month, rejoice in Jesus’ presence with you.

P.S. In case you haven’t heard, my newest book, After Loss: courage and healing through God’s grace, is now available! The 6 x 6” size is perfect as an expanded greeting card. Half of the book may be read on Amazon in the “Look inside” feature. Now through this Saturday, February 6, it is offered at the introductory price of $6.99. Or it may be purchased directly through me. (If you order on Amazon, email me ( a copy of your invoice and I will mail you an envelope if you desire to mail the book to someone.)


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