Hope and Uncertainty Meet

I want to share a little story from when we vacationed near Traverse City a few years ago. First, a few thoughts about hope.
We hear a lot about hope these days (and anxiety, worry, isolation on the flip side). Yet hope seems in as short supply as toilet tissue on the grocers’ shelves.
This Sunday is Easter and the Easter story is all about hope.
At Easter, we are reminded:
Our Living God reigns.
Christ cares for us with a fierce love.
God can change the course of history instantly.
Nineteen months ago, the few days I spent in Colorado changed me. I was frustrated and fearful about my declining eyesight. Worse, I didn’t know where things were headed. Would my eyesight stabilize? Or would it worsen, capsizing my life?
I didn’t know. But I asked God to teach me how to live in the uncertainty.
From what I learned, I created the gift book, Finding Hope: a journey of faith through uncertain times. I never anticipated that, four months after its publication, the whole world would be in a state of uncertainty.
One of the readings in Finding Hope is the story from our vacation. Pictured below is the two-page spread in the book. (If you are reading this on a smaller device, you may not be able to see the text. Therefore, the plain text is also included.)

Invite God’s Grace
One summer we vacationed on Spider Lake. Despite the lake’s murkiness, I determined to get some water exercise.
I waded in. Even with my water shoes, I could sense the slime of vegetation beneath my feet and feel it clinging to my ankles. What else lay hidden beneath the surface?
I swam to the diving platform, but my apprehension only increased. Choking fear nearly drove me back to shore.
Uncertainty. Murkiness. Worry.
Something may be wrong—altogether wrong—but we can’t be sure because we can’t see into the future. It may be financial, relational, or medical.
The unknown smothers.
Unlike my Spider Lake experience, we are powerless to leave.
Though you can’t change the situation, you can invite God’s grace and strength into your life.
Admit your need, your brokenness. God will pour His grace—the desire and power to live according to His ways—into your life.
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
Get more information on the book. Order Finding Hope: a journey of faith through uncertain times now through May 4 for a special introductory price of $6.99 (regular $7.99). Also, the next book in the series, Never Alone: gentle reminders of God’s goodness and love, is also on sale. Either book would make a great gift/greeting card for the special woman in your life on Mother's Day.
May your Easter and the days beyond be filled with ope, even in the uncertainty.