Perfect for gift-giving
Finding Hope:
a journey of faith through uncertain times
Soul Pursuit:
The Busy Person's Guide to
Biblical Meditation
Never Alone:
gentle reminders of
God's presence and love
Out of the Ashes: Hope
Out of the Storm: Peace
After Loss:
courage and healing
through God's grace
Out of the Desert:
Waters of Refreshment
"Thank you, Lyn, for putting your private thoughts on paper for others to read. It was a big comfort to me. God certainly has gifted you with expressing yourself in a way that others can benefit from it. And at the same time can be pointed to the only One who can give comfort, encouragement, love and blessings as only He can give."
" . . . you prepared a feast. What a wonderful casserole of prayerful poetry, baked perfectly with scripture and topped with beautiful photos. What a blessing!"
-Jim T.-
"You are so very gifted from God to produce this exceptional book of pictures of His creations and your sharing of meaningful scripture to you. Your phenomenal understanding & gift of words is enlightening me in hearing and absorbing the waters of His Word through you.
-Joanne P.-
-Kathy V.-
"You do a really nice a really nice job with them (your books) and they are really so meaningful. Because you have suffered and been thrrough hard times and have lost a loved one you know how to relate tothose who are hurting."
-Tammy W.-
"Your words were perfectly understood to the family of grief and loss and give such hope. I can see your heart in it in every page. . . Thank you for sharing your pain."
-Pam S.-

Since a sleepless night before major surgery years ago, I have written out of the deep places in my heart. The struggle of reconciling my present situation and emotional response--whether from the physical pain of chronic rheumatoid arthritis or the emotional pain of losing a son to suicide--to the truths of God's Word has given ample opportunity for expression.
Lynelle (Lyn) Watford lives in St. Joseph, Michigan, a quaint town on Lake Michigan. Besides writing, Lyn helps with Tech Help, the Watford's computer training and service business. Trent and Lyn are also involved with suicide prevention.
Their older son is married and has two children.
Hard times and seasons of losses birthed many of my writings. When you read my books, reflections of my story unfold. More importantly, God’s story for me shines through the dark times.
List of Bible verses to cling to in dark times (PDF printable list).
Lynelle Watford
4750 Beechnut Drive, St. Joseph, MI 49085 | Tel: 269-428-7226